Build up vs Reality

Have you noticed that quite often the build up to something is far worse than the actual event itself?

Last week I went into the office for the first time since May, in fact I was only in for a couple of hours to collect my belongings in May, so last Thursday was my first proper day of working in the office.

It sounds ridiculous after previously working 4 full days in the office during 'normal' times but I have to admit that I felt quite apprehensive.  It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to go back in, it was simply a fear of the unknown.  Fear could be a slight exaggeration but nevertheless there were a number of things that were bothering me:

  • What was the traffic like on the motorway these days?
  • What time did I need to set off?
  • What did I need to take with me?
  • Where was my pass?!!
  • Would I have any technical issues with my laptop?
  • Would there be a docking station and 2 screens
  • Where would I sit following the changes in the office?
  • Where are all the feckin controls on my new car?!!

.... and so the list went on.  I know, stupid things!!  But these are the ridiculous kind of things that play on your mind and the list is interchangeable depending on the event.

In reality, from the minute I arrived at work, in a strange kind of way it felt like I'd never been away.  Although things have changed in terms of layout, everything still felt very familiar.  To be honest, the place looks amazing, they've done a great job in making it all very safe but also aesthetically pleasing with lots of cosy little areas for informal meetings and catch-ups plus a shed load of tables with power points for your laptop.  My apprehension quickly turned to excitement as I caught up with colleagues that I hadn't seen face-to-face for 18 months and met new colleagues I'd never met at all in person.  I was a little bit giddy to be honest and did spend quite a bit of time wandering and saying hello to everyone (shh, don't tell the boss!).  

In fact, top tip - if you're venturing back into the office for the first time, allow plenty of time to catch up with colleagues, don't do it on a day where you know you're going to be incredibly busy.  Believe me, you really don't want to miss out on those all important first conversations and hellos after many, many months.

There's going to be lots of events over the next few months where no doubt you'll feel the same kind of apprehension.  It's only natural after not venturing out for so long, but give yourself a break, it's perfectly normal to feel like this whether it's work, going to a concert, eating out, going on holiday etc etc.  We had to adapt when everything was closed and we now need to be flexible once more as things start opening up.  We've proved how resilient we are so take a deep breath, count to 3 and ... JUMP!!

I'm on my hollibobs next week (something else to be apprehensive about but I know it will all be fine!) so I'll be back in a couple of weeks.  Be brave peeps, it will be ok!



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