Making assumptions when it comes to age
Think back to when you first started out in your career, no doubt you were anxious, nervous, self-conscious and worried that you wouldn't be taken seriously and that other people would think you had no experience or knowledge
As you get older, you start to experience very similar feelings, anxious, nervous, self-conscious and worried that people will also be thinking you've lost your drive and ambition and that you're not up-to-speed with how fast technology is moving and such like.
Before I started in my current role, I went for an interview at another company and when I didn't get the job, I asked for some feedback. I was told "Oh we thought you interviewed really well, you passed all the tests (I had about 5 tests to do) but you're making the move from public to private sector and we feel the environment would be too fast-paced for you". What the actual *&^%!! Whether I was right or not, who knows, I took that to mean "you're too old". Wow, did that knock my confidence for six. I'm so grateful that my current employer looked at me from a totally different point of view and employed me because of my experience and were willing to take a chance on me.
But does ageism also come down to confidence and how we perceive ourselves? For example, on a good day I jump out of bed going "screw you world, I can do whatever I want no matter what my age, I'm 51, fit and fabulous". On a bad day, that changes to "I can't do that, I'm too old, I'm 51, fat and frumpy".
Yes, unfortunately, I believe that ageism is very much alive and kicking but I also believe it's down to us as individuals, young or old, to have the confidence to prove those perceptions to be wrong. That's not easy when you're having a 'wobbly' day but here's some things to think about:
- Don't be a stereotype for your age group - don't act immature if you're young and don't be a 'know it all' ar*e if you're older. Be professional no matter what.
- Always show that you are willing to learn and develop - even if you think you've heard or seen it all before, look again from a new perspective and I promise you will find something different.
- Show your enthusiasm and passion for what you do - if you don't feel like that any more then it's probably a sign to move on and do something different.
- Try not to feel intimidated by other people's perception of your age - say to yourself "that's only their opinion, I know I'm not too young / too old".
- It doesn't mean you're not ambitious if you don't want to climb the traditional career ladder - ambition can simply mean learning, growing and doing your best in your current role.
- Listen, listen, listen - whether you are young, old or in-between, listen to the opinions of others, you don't always have to agree but you will always learn something new.
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