Amazing April

Why hello there and welcome to Amazing April - strap yourselves as we enter Q2 of 2022!!

Throughout Q1 we set the foundations, tone and theme of what we wanted our year to look like.  We made a few adjustments, did some resets along the way and set up our systems and routines.  

In Q2, we're going to go a little bit deeper into those goals and put some more context around them.

Take a moment to think about the goals, habits and routines you have put in place ... do you know WHY you are doing them?  Yes, yes, of course you do, don't you?  

Let's look at an example of one of my health goals:

"Incorporate daily stretching into my routine"

That's all well and good but WHY do I want to do that?

  • It will help me become more flexible - nah, not good enough
  • It will help prevent tight muscles - hmm, keep going
"Incorporating daily stretching into my routine will help prevent tight muscles, allowing me to run more freely and ultimately will stop me being in excruciating pain when I go for my sports massage every 6 weeks"

Ok, that's more like it!!

Do you see what I'm trying to get at?  Your WHY has to be something that's important to YOU.  At the first appointment with my new sports masseur, she told me I had the tightest hamstrings she'd ever seen and that I must have a really high pain threshold.  I took that as a compliment but she wasn't impressed with my attitude!  She put on a 'stretching programme', unfortunately it hasn't made me grow any taller but it is helping my 'tight as a coiled spring' hamstrings.  I made it my goal to commit to doing some daily stretching and following the programme but knew I had to build a big enough WHY around it.

Make April amazing by putting some more context and WHY around your goals.  Go deep or ditch them.  It's nigh on impossible to commit to things if they don't have any context or meaning around them.  That also applies to goals we may not have set ourselves, such as the goals of the company you work for, but it's still important to put your own context behind them.  For example, "I'm going to work with my team to achieve the company goals because that will lead to recognition and maybe promotion and ultimately allow more freedom within my role".

So what are you waiting for?  Go and put some more context and WHY around your goals and I'll see you all in 'Mindful May'.




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