How to boost your energy with simple lifestyle changes
Boost your energy and stop the pyjama routine every night I bound through the door at 7pm following a run and discover a friend has called round. Mavis (name changed to protect her identity!) is yawning and saying she's ready for bed. This isn't a one-off, it's every single time we see her, she's always tired and always wanting to get home, put on her pyjamas and go to bed. We all have days when we're tired, of course we do, but it shouldn't be the norm and, if it is, then you need to ask yourself why. I've since discovered that my friend survives on very little water throughout the day and usually ends up having a Mars bar for lunch and leftovers from the children's plates for tea. Is it any wonder she's tired all the time?!! Fuelling your body with good nutrition has a huge effect on your energy levels so if you're constantly yawning and eager to put on your pyjamas the minute you walk through the door every evening, the...