How to re-focus and evolve

Our lives are constantly evolving so we have to re-focus when our circumstances change

Around 10 years ago I was at the peak of my fitness, I was never a great runner but I was a decent runner and even won a few prizes in local races.  A few years ago I noticed that my times weren't as good despite feeling like I was still putting in the effort.  I used numerous excuses at first such as 'well, I've had a busy week / not trained as much / not eaten as well etc etc'.  

It took me some time to realise and accept that my times were getting worse because I'd been running for 20+ years, I'd hit my peak, maintained it for a good few years but I was now coming down the other side.  

This had zero reasons to do with my age by the way, I'd simply reached my own physical limitations over the period of time I'd been running.  You can start exercising in your 50's, 60's and beyond and still see huge improvements.  Don't ever use age as an excuse to try anything in life, it's a rubbish excuse.

Let's use Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill as an example, not that I'd ever compare myself to this goddess and legend of a woman.  Jessica retired at a relatively young age in athletics terms because she realised that she'd reached her peak and was never likely to achieve those dizzy heights of being Olympic and World Champion again.  She'd trained ridiculously hard from a very young age, had hit her peak fitness, maintained it for a number of years during which she was incredibly successful, but then she'd had to accept her physical limitations and focus on doing something different.  She's now a very accomplished and successful business woman and fitness coach.

The point I'm trying to get across is that all too often we spend our lives looking back on what was instead of re-focusing on the present moment.  I hear so many people say, "I used to be fit / I used to be slim / I used to see my friends more / I used to have more time to relax blah blah blah".

It's not about what you can't do any more, it's about what you CAN do NOW

Don't waste time looking back because you only have now
and a certain number of tomorrows.

I didn't stop running when my times started to get worse, I simply re-focused.  I'll never be as fast as I used to be but what I can do is set myself new challenges, such as coming in the top 10 of my age category.  That's the key to being happy in life, if your circumstances change then you have to switch your focus to what you can do, right here, right now (shout out to Fat Boy Slim).  You can't keep looking back with rose tinted glasses and wishing 'what was'.

Really, really rubbish excuses:
  • "I used to be slim".  Rubbish excuse.  Fact:  Fat distribution changes as you get older, it doesn't mean you have to give up.  It's all about damage limitation and looking after your insides rather than the aesthetics on the outside.  Watch your portion sizes, cut down on sugar and keep exercising no matter what.
  • "I used to be fit".  Rubbish Excuse.  Fact:  You can be fit at any age.  Studies show that people in their 70's and 80's can still improve their fitness, even if they have never exercised before.  Are you physically able to move?  Yes.  Then do so.
  • "I used to see my friends more".  Rubbish Excuse.  Fact:  Our lives change and move on but that's no reason to not keep in touch.  Don't let friendships drift apart.  We live in a world of amazing technology so even if you live hundreds of miles apart you can still see and speak to each other.  For goodness sake, my French tutor moved to Canada and I still have lessons via Skype so there's no excuse.
  • "I used to have more time to relax".  Rubbish Excuse.  Fact:  You still have the same amount of time, you just need to be more mindful of what you do with it.  No matter what is going in your life, it's still YOU that has the choice of doing something or not.
I've had quite a rant today but the fact is that as I do get older, I'm becoming more and more intolerant to people who make excuses for not doing something in their life.  If you're not happy, then it's in your control to change that.  It's hard, it's incredibly hard, to make changes in your life but if you really want to be happy then you have to do it and YOU CAN DO IT!!  If you think you're in a situation that you can't change on your own then enlist the help of others - you owe it to yourself and your future happiness.



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