How to boost your energy with simple lifestyle changes
Boost your energy and
stop the pyjama routine every night
I bound through the door at 7pm following a run and discover a friend has called round. Mavis (name changed to protect her identity!) is yawning and saying she's ready for bed. This isn't a one-off, it's every single time we see her, she's always tired and always wanting to get home, put on her pyjamas and go to bed. We all have days when we're tired, of course we do, but it shouldn't be the norm and, if it is, then you need to ask yourself why.
I've since discovered that my friend survives on very little water throughout the day and usually ends up having a Mars bar for lunch and leftovers from the children's plates for tea. Is it any wonder she's tired all the time?!!
Fuelling your body with good nutrition has a huge effect on your energy levels so if you're constantly yawning and eager to put on your pyjamas the minute you walk through the door every evening, then perhaps it's time to take a look at what you're putting into your body.
First of all, get to know your own body, for example, I know when I've not drunk enough water because I end up with the most horrendous headache. It's not about waiting until you're thirsty either, you need to constantly sip throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated. I also feel sluggish when I've eaten certain foods. I love a good chippy butty and slice of cake as much as the next person but too many of these kinds of foods make me feel tired and often queasy when I've had too many fatty foods. Making improvements to your diet is like changing anything else in your life, you have to create new good habits which then become the norm.
It's not just the tiredness you can improve either, it's your brain power and we'd all like a little bit more of that I'm sure. If you don't fuel your body in the right way then your brain will suffer too. It needs certain vitamins, minerals and the right amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fat in order to function properly.
So what do you need to be doing to banish the tiredness and give yourself a boost?
- Be consistent - don't decide to do Veganuary for the month of January and then forget about your nutrition for the rest of the year. It's the little things you do every single day throughout the year that make an enormous change.
- Never let food invoke a feeling of guilt - food often brings about intense emotions but don't let guilt be one of them. Simply make the best choices you can on a daily basis.
- Don't rely on willpower - your willpower is not limitless so when you've used up your quota for the day, you'll crack under the pressure and reach for those biscuits. The best thing to do is not to put temptation in your way in the first place. I love treating myself to a slice of delicious cake when I meet a friend for a coffee and catch-up. BUT that's a treat, I don't keep supplies of cakes and biscuits (apart from boring ones) in the house because I know that when my willpower is low there'll just be a pile of crumbs on the side.
- Prepare in advance - this is an absolute pain in the posterior but it's so worth it. Every night I prepare my lunch and snacks for the next day so that I won't be caught short and end up visiting the canteen and vending machine every day.
- Do some exercise - I know, it sounds ridiculous and is the last thing you feel like doing when you're tired but trust me, the oxygen and endorphins boost will give you a new lease of life. You don't have to go all out cardio either, you can simply do a gentle yoga session and using your breathing to boost your body and soul.
- Hydrate before you caffeine-ate - don't rely on coffee to give you a boost first thing in the morning. You know how much I love my coffee but I always drink a glass of water first thing before I have a coffee.
If ... you didn't have time to make your lunch, make the best choice available to you. Does your workplace do healthy options? Choose one of those. Are you out of the office that day? Don't head for the nearest fast food outlet.
When ... you get home from work, take just 10 mins to prepare your lunch and snacks for the next day. That way, it's done and you have the rest of the evening to chill out.
Contingency plan ... keep packets of soup, nuts and dried fruit in your drawer at work as an emergency measure.
Be the best you this year by making better choices
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