Learning to be proud of yourself

It's all very well wanting to please family, friends, colleagues, employer but self-esteem starts with YOU.  If you're not proud of yourself and don't believe in yourself then how on earth can you expect anyone else to invest in you.

This is something I've struggled with from time to time, as I'm sure we all have.  We go through periods of thinking 'hell yeah, I'm on fire' to 'oh my god, I'm a failure'.  In terms of work, the last 18 months have been particularly difficult, as like most other people, I've felt this constant need to be 'visible' and wanting to show I'm 'adding value'.  It's been an uphill battle at times and there's been a few 'no-one knows what I do' moments and, as a result, I felt like I was losing my confidence and self-esteem.

A few blogs ago, I gave a little hint that I was doing something new in terms of my self-development and confidence.  So, in a bid to get on top of this once and for all, I enlisted the help of a coach (massive shout out to Mike at Kataholos!).  I'm not going to lie, I was sceptical to say the least, NOT of Mike's coaching methods I must point out. No, I was sceptical of myself and worried that I wouldn't be able to put into action what Mike was asking me to do.  I've tried on so many occasions to get to that next level of 'strategic thinking' so why should it work this time.  Well, the fact is that Mike is incredible at unlocking what you already know you need to do.  He's made me question myself and look at things in completely different ways.  

Great news - it's starting to work!  Although it's lovely when it happens and I receive a compliment, my confidence is not reliant on external recognition, I'm looking inwards to myself for that confidence boost and I'm also realising that it's not the end of the world if I make a mistake.  A mistake is simply an opportunity to do something better, it doesn't suddenly turn you into a failure.  You know what, although there's still a way to go, I'm extremely proud of what I've achieved in the last few months.  Onwards and upwards and here's to lifelong learning!

How to raise your game and be proud of yourself

  • COMMIT to celebrating your successes, no matter how small they might seem.  Write them down and read them all back a week later, trust me, you'll be amazed at what you've achieved!
  • COMMIT to consistency.  You can't learn new things overnight, you have to put in the hard work and practise.
  • COMMIT to always doing your best.  Doing something half-heartedly will lead to mediocre results.
  • COMMIT to saying yes.  Give things a go, even if you don't know what the outcome will be.
  • COMMIT to happiness.  At the heart of everything is enjoyment and happiness.  Do what makes you feel good.
  • COMMIT to asking for support.  It takes real strength to ask for help. 
After all his hard work and patience, it's only fair that I share a link to Mike's website for the rest of you to discover!!  Go on, you owe it to yourself.


Next week, I'll be checking in with you to see how your xmas and 2022 planning is coming along and sharing a few tips to keep you on-track.



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