Open your mind

As you may have gathered from my recent blogs, I've been doing a lot of reflection and self-development in a bid to become more curious and fire up some creative neurones.

When someone asks you, it's very easy to respond with "yes, of course I'm open-minded".  But are you?  Truthfully?  If you're anything like me, then you'll tend to mix with the same like-minded people, have the same kind of routines, go to familiar places etc etc.  

Sticking with what you know feels safe and comfortable, it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside which is great and we absolutely need that in our lives.  However, if you permanently stay in that environment, it doesn't help you grow as a person.

A couple of months ago, I went away for a long weekend and although I knew the majority of the people, many of which were family, there were a few people that I didn't know.  I felt a little nervous, I have to admit, as I was staying in the same lodge as some of them.  Meeting new people is always a bit nerve-wracking but actually staying with them for the weekend and doing activities together is a whole new level.  I ended up having a great time and it did me good to speak to people that I wouldn't usually mix with.  You can learn so much from people who aren't like you but yet you can nearly always find some common ground.

A great way to start thinking about things from a different perspective is with something easy like listening to a podcast that you wouldn't normally entertain.  I'm a podcast addict but I do have my favourites that I tend to stick with.  It's a good way to practise not being judgemental.  At first, I'd find myself switching off, I'd instantly decide that I didn't like the topic, the presenter or the guest.  However, that's hardly expanding my mind is it?!!  I then started to challenge myself to listen for no more than 10 minutes and simply let the words wash over me.  Only afterwards would I reflect on what I had heard.  If I hadn't enjoyed it, why not?  Did the topic make me feel uncomfortable?  Was it too close to the truth to handle?  Sometimes I had strong reasons and thoughts and other times it was because it simply wasn't for me and that's life.

That's the thing about being open-minded, sometimes you come across something amazing and other times, it's not your bag.  It doesn't mean you're right and the other person or thing is wrong, or vice-versa.  As long as no-one gets hurt in the process, it's ok to have a different opinion to someone else.




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