The whole you and nothing but the whole you
It’s a well known fact that exercise produces endorphins which lift our mood, but I still don’t think enough is being done to promote the connection between body and mind. If you’re really lucky and have a good doctor, they might make a token effort to ask you about exercise but has your doctor ever asked ‘and how does that affect your mood’, ‘what kind of exercise makes you feel good’?
We need a more holistic approach to health. We’re making huge strides in both physical and mental wellbeing but we need to bring the two together. Instead of reaching for the usual crutches of food, alcohol and other kinds of self-abuse when we’re feeling low, we should normalise it so that we’re turning to meditation, yoga and and other kinds of exercise that makes us feel good. Who cares how far we can run or how much weight we can lift, it’s all about feeling good.
The thing I absolutely love about health is that there’s no right or wrong, there’s no one thing that works, it’s very individual and down to YOU to create and enjoy your own health framework. In my fitness role it can be difficult to get this across to people. They believe health should be quite rigid with certain rules to follow and they often ask ‘but shouldn’t I be doing this or that?’ In reality, health is really really simple … 'do you enjoy [insert whatever floats your boat]'? and ‘does it make you feel good’?
One of my fitness peeps is doing an MSc project about women in their 50's who run and I couldn't wait to put my hand up and take part. Answering her questions brought back so many happy memories from over the last 27 yrs since I've been running (crikey!) and what keeps me running now I'm older.
Talking about my running made me realise that over the years, it's become so much more than running, it's grown into a coming together of body and mind - sounds dramatic I know but 'running is my religion' and at times I'm almost in a meditative state of mind.
How do you bring your 'whole self' to your exercise session? Simple ... find something you enjoy, and that could initially be the physical side or the mental side. For example, I enjoy the physical side of running and the mental feel good factor then joins the party and I feel 'whole'. For you, it may be the fact that you enjoy the social side of meeting friends first and foremost and the physical side comes into it afterwards.
Things to try:
- Go for a walk and calm your mind by taking in your surroundings and focusing on your breathing. If you're struggling to clear your mind then think of a few uplifting mantras and keep repeating them, for example "I am feeling calm and content".
- Meet with a few friends who always make you feel good and arrange to do something physical too, preferably an activity where you can chat with each other such as a walk or easy run.
- Listen to a 'gratitude walk' podcast - I love these! Not only are you getting some exercise but you've got someone talking to you and engaging your mind in a positive, uplifting way.
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