Stepping back in order to move forward

As we approach the half year point, and whether it's work or home, many of us are no doubt thinking about how we've fared over the last 6 months' and what the next 6 months' will have in store for us.

In order for us to move on, it's important that we take some time to look back and evaluate what went well and what didn't quite go to plan between January and June.

Have the goals you set yourself at the start of the year now changed?

Most likely, yes!  Things change, move on, are not as important, so now is the time to re-evaluate your goals and decide which are still relevant or not.

Did you set yourself too many goals?

Most likely, yes!  In the excitement of starting a new year, you probably set yourself way too many goals.  Over the next month, choose the most important goal to work on and give it your full attention.

Has your environment become a little messy?

Most likely, yes!  A new year signals a fresh start and no doubt you applied that to your environment too, with every intention of keeping up to date with your filing and such like.  As the months went by, that might have slipped a little.  I have a filing box which looks tidy from the outside but inside it became rather messy shall we say.  Every time I passed it, I kept looking at it and thinking 'one day'.  That day was yesterday and I feel so much better knowing that everything is now in the right compartment.  It's often the tiny things that make us feel better so sort out your environment and watch your productivity go up again.

Are you planning in the fun stuff or drifting?

Yes, it's been incredibly difficult to plan things recently but there's still lots of amazing things you can be planning into your life.  For example, me and my friend signed up to do the virtual Great North Run which we did this morning.  Fabulous company, amazing scenery and doing us good in the process.

Are you making life more difficult for yourself?

Most likely, yes!  Did you come up with some crazy system and new routine at the start of the year that you can no longer commit to?  Make things easier!  Lay out your fitness clothes and work clothes the night before, prep meals in advance, schedule appointments into your diary instead of thinking you'll remember, go through your task list at the end of the day and carry over the ones you've not yet done etc etc.

Are you planning more than you are actioning?

Most likely, yes!  I am definitely guilty of this one!  I absolutely love planning, the whole process of it fills me with pleasure (saddo!), but the downside of this is that I spend so much time planning that I run out of time to actually action things.  It's really important to plan but you're not going to reach your goals if you don't put into action what you've planned!

What worked and what didn't over the last 6 months?

For the things that did work, great, keep on doing them!  For those things that didn't, you need to ask yourself 'are they still relevant'?

  • No - Simple solution, ditch them.
  • Yes - Why didn't they work?  What do you need to do differently?  Did you make them too difficult to achieve?  How can you make things easier (see above)?
Hopefully, there's a few tips here to set you off on your merry way to start reflecting, reviewing and refreshing.  Here's to the next 6 months so plan, action but most of all ... ENJOY!!!



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