Brighten up YOUR day

Have you noticed that when you do something for someone else, it gives you a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

How often do you do that for yourself?  Do something to brighten up YOUR own day?  I'm guessing not as many times as you do something for someone else right?  We're often that busy taking care of the needs of others, whether it's colleagues, partners, friends, parents, children, pets, that we often forget to do something to brighten up our own days.

Well, this week I'm going to be doing just that, brightening up my own life with a little ME time.  I have a whole week off work - woo hoo, first break since Xmas so I'm in desperate need!!  Yes, there'll be times when I need to do things for others but on the whole I'm planning some 'be kind to me' time.

No time like the present so I brightened up this morning with a run through some very colourful fields!

So, what else am I planning this week?

  • More running!
  • Catching up on my reading
  • Going for walks and finding a good coffee at the end of it
  • Decluttering - sad but I find this very therapeutic!
  • Drinking a few cheeky gins on a school night
  • Not setting my alarm clock
  • Not reacting to every ping, pong, ding, dong, bing, bong on my phone, iPad, laptop and whatever other gadgets I have
The list above will hardly set the world alight I know, but for me, time out is all about taking a step back and slowing down for a while.  Don't get me wrong, I'll still be busy in my own sweet way because that's the way I like to roll, but I won't have the added pressure of having to be somewhere or do something at a certain time.  I'll be making my own deadlines this week.

Taking time out for YOU once in a while is NOT selfish because this is what it's going to do:
  • Reduce your stress levels and help you to put things into perspective
  • Give your brain a break and actually enable you to think more clearly
  • Boost your creativity by allowing you to think freely due to less obligations
  • Refresh your body and mind and boost your self-esteem
YOU time is IMPORTANT time so make sure you take a break.  If you haven't got a longish break coming up, then at the very least take yourself away from everyday life for a couple of hours over the weekend and do something you enjoy.



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