Too much to do or simply disorganised?


... it's a fine line!

I don't know about anyone else but I feel like I have even less time than ever before.  I can't make my mind up whether it's simply the working from home situation and not being able to walk to someone's desk to ask a simple question (now it involves several emails or Teams messages), whether there's too much to do and not enough time, or whether I'm being disorganised at times.  To be honest, I think it's a mixture of all three.

So what can we do to make us more effective and feel more organised:

  • Don't be a slob - sounds simple but for goodness sake, tidy up your workspace!  You're not going to work effectively if your workspace is a mess and there's things buried under piles of paper, you can never find a pen and you've got notes scribbled on any old scrap of paper.  Don't underestimate the power of a clean desk, your mind will thank you for it.
  • Keep your stationery to a bare minimum - I'm not going to lie, I'm a stationery geek but there's a time and a place.  Only keep things on your desk that you are actually going to use.  You don't need to take out every notebook, pen and post-it note you own and use them all.  I have one notebook for my 'to do' tasks and one notebook for my minutes.
  • Location is everything - keep things in a logical place.  Make things easy by keeping paper next to your printer, your stationery and phone within reach etc.  You'll only get frustrated and waste time searching for things if they're not in a logical place.
  • Get your act together - keep your emails in order and file things in a way you can easily find them.  I'm sure the majority of us do everything electronically these days but the same rules apply.  Make sure things are labelled properly and in the correct folders.  Don't save everything in a random folder or on your desktop!
  • Plan your day effectively - set your stall out for the day ahead and prepare for the next.  Your first task of the day should be to list out all your tasks and from there choose the top 3 tasks that must be done that day, anything else is a bonus.  Your last task of the day should be to prepare for the next day by carrying over your remaining tasks.  Knowing what you're facing the next day will leave your mind clear to get on with your evening.
  • Create your own 'power hour' - it's the buzz word of the moment but it works.  Block off one hour every single day to work on something specific or do something just for you.  It could simply be using that hour to have your lunch, go for a walk and clear your mind, or it could be to work on a project.  Whatever it is, resist the temptation to let others interrupt you.

Most of the time, we can't control the work that gets thrown our way but it makes life a whole lot easier if you get yourself organised.  You'll feel less overwhelmed for a start!!  Some days can be really tough so don't make it any harder on yourself by getting yourself in a mess and being completely disorganised.  Take out as many obstacles and barriers in your day as you can and enjoy your work.  It can be so satisfying but we often forget that and make it ... well, hard work!!



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