Top tips for when you're being hit from all directions

I’ve had to have some difficult conversations and make some tough decisions recently. Sadly, Mr Bob has not taken the hint and he’s still here - lol 😆

Joking aside, I have had to make some choices that will change people’s lives, all for the greater good but nevertheless, with day-to-day life to deal with as well, I've felt a bit overwhelmed by everything.  Overwhelmed, the very word overwhelmed makes me feel well ... overwhelmed!  So let's think about it in terms of simply having too much on your plate.

I thought this might be a subject worth revisiting due to the sheer volume of it all being 'a bit too much' right now.  When your world has suddenly shrunk to within your own four walls, it can be very easy to feel like things are coming at you from all angles and there’s just no space to breath.  In many cases, you can feel paralysed by procrastination despite knowing things will be better if you just got on with the tasks in hand.  But, that's the whole point of having too much to think about, you simply don't know where to begin.

Here’s my top tips for when it's all a bit too much:

  • Do one or two really quick and easy actions.  I'm sure most of us have heard the saying "eat that frog", meaning do your most challenging task first.  However, it can be a real emotional boost to tick a few items off your list in the first place.
  • You don't need to do everything.  Look at your task list again, there will be items on there that do not need doing today, tomorrow, next week even.
  • Get over yourself.  This may sound harsh but in other words, swallow your pride and ask for some god damn support.  I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to this but it can help so much if you share your problem with someone else or ask them for help.
  • Don't multi-task.  No, seriously, don't do it.  Last week, I was trying to sort a personal issue whilst still trying to work and my head was all over the place.  I wasn't giving the attention needed to either of my tasks.  Focusing just on one thing at a time is so much more productive and ensures you give the task, or the person, your full attention.
  • Re-charge your energy through movement.  Trying to solve problems and doing too much will absolutely drain you of all energy.  No matter how drained and tired you feel, you need to move to recharge your energy.
  • Remember the bigger picture.  This is just one small period in your life and it will pass.
  • Be kind to yourself.  Goes without saying but this is the one thing we all forget.  Why don't we treat ourselves with the same kindness that we do with other people who are going through a difficult time!
  • Laugh.  No matter how serious the situation, find something to laugh about.  I've been thinking about the fact that NASA have managed to launch a spaceship that travelled 300 million miles and popped out a little vehicle on the surface of Mars.  I'm fairly confident that it would have taken less time to organise than some of the meetings I've had to sort out at work recently!  These are the things that amuse me.



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