Are you in need of a digital detox?
Don't get me wrong, I love my phone, iPad and laptop. My whole life are on those gadgets for a start, but I've noticed recently that I've not been having much of a break from them and they're permanently by my side and switched on.
It's a poor excuse I know, but one of the reasons I haven't had many days without my digital devices over the last year is that I haven't been on holiday. One of the things I love the most about being on holiday is the fact that I get to have a full on digital detox. Yes, I might use my phone to take photos but that’s about it. I take an old fashioned guidebook, notebook and pen with me and there’s nothing I enjoy more at the end of the day than sitting on the decking and jotting down notes about what I've been up to that day whilst enjoying a delicious french wine!
Sadly, me and the lovely Mr Bob haven’t had a holiday since December 2019 and, equally as sad, I haven’t had much of a digital detox. Almost from the minute I wake to the minute I go to bed, I’m hooked up to something digital whether it's for work, fitness or social purposes.
It brought it home to me the other day when I was talking with a colleague about breaks in general from work. My colleague said ‘we wouldn’t work like this all day if we were in the office, we’d have a chat with each other, other colleagues whilst walking through the office, go get a coffee (lots in my case!)’. In other words, we’d be having lots of mini breaks from staring at a computer screen or our phones. These days, not only am I staring at a screen all day long but I’m not moving as much during the day either! Double trouble.
I’m craving a digital detox and, as I can’t see the opportunity for a holiday anytime soon, I’ve decided to take action and set myself some challenges.
- Take more regular breaks away from my screen during the day and not ignore my Fitbit when it reminds me to move!
- Drink more coffee! Aw come on, it means at least I’ll be going up and down the stairs more.
- No checking of either my work or home phone whilst on my lunch break.
- I do need my phone and laptop for fitness purposes but I don’t need to spend all evening and all weekend on them, so my intention is to set aside time to do my emails, planning etc but then try not to use them in between those times.
- Read more, as in an old fashioned book rather than kindle.
- I used to love drawing when I was younger, so I recently bought myself a sketchbook and pencils in a bid to distract me from my phone. Think I need to practise a bit more though as the sheep I drew the other day ... well, let's just say it didn't really resemble a sheep!
- No TV after 10 pm during the week and no watching of pointless YouTube videos whilst in bed.
What else can we do to limit our digital obsession?
- Turn off push notifications
- Clear out social media accounts
- Delete any unused pointless apps
- Unsubscribe from random emails
- Unfollow people who encourage mindless scrolling but end up just annoying you
- Block out certain times to check emails, social media etc then step away from your phone between those times
- Completely re-think about how you use your gadgets and reclaim some time back in your life
- Go for a walk ... without your phone - now there's a challenge!
Digital gadgets and technology play a very important part in our lives and we need them to keep making advancements in all sorts of different areas but when we're using them without any real purpose, they can drain us of energy. Take lots of mini breaks from your gadgets throughout the day during the week and then try having a longer break from them at the weekend. Your mind and body will thank you.
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