How to reframe failure and turn it into success

Do we ever really fail at anything? No, I’m not sure we do. Things may not go to plan, you may be disappointed that you haven’t achieved what you set out to do, but we always learn from our so called ‘failures’ so where does this idea of 'failure' being a ‘bad’ thing come from? In a workout situation you train to ‘failure’ but that never feels like you’ve ‘failed’ does it? No! In fact, it makes you feel damn proud that you’ve pushed your body and mind to your absolute limit. It’s a good thing, you’re growing stronger every time you train to ‘failure’ . When I run in races, and especially marathons, I take something from each race so I'm stronger and better the next time. I don't feel like I've failed if things haven't quite gone to plan. So why do we treat 'failure' so differently in other situations? Two of my most memorable so-called failures were just after I left school and these two events quite literally shaped my whole workin...