Grab a coffee, sit back and reflect on the year ... eek!
End of year check-in
Today's blog is going to be a short reflection on 2020 before I close my laptop on another year.
Despite all the odds stacked against me and humanity in general, I've had an incredible year. Yes, it's been different, bizarre, unnerving and downright hard graft at times but I absolutely refuse to write this year off which is what most people seem intent on doing.
Am I looking through rose-tinted glasses and ignoring the bad stuff? No, I don't think I am because I firmly believe that it's the sh*t times that make us stronger. Did I write off the year I lost both my sister and sister-in-law? Within the space of three weeks I might add. No I didn't, because ultimately it made me a much stronger and more resilient person. It's quite easy to drift through life but when something significant happens it's a real wake up call.
So, what has this year taught me?
- I can still have strong relationships despite not being able to see people face-to-face, and that includes family, friends and colleagues.
- I'm more adaptable and able to change to new situations than I ever thought possible, especially in terms of work.
- After the initial 'WTF' moment, I'm actually able to deal with a crisis, such as the possibility of the ceiling collapsing due to a leak!
- I'm very reliant on fitness and the outdoors to keep my sanity in check.
- I can deal with setbacks better than what I thought and have been able to 'deal with the mile I'm in right now'.
- I'm a determined, stubborn, motivated little so and so when the chips are down.
- A sense of humour can get you through anything.
- I'm able to carry on doing a Zoom boot camp whilst the bedroom floor is being ripped up and Mr Bob is screaming profanities and the builders are drilling outside the window!
- It's ok to burst into tears and shout 'f**k you world' once in a while.
- I made a fitness video for the Motor Neurone Disease Association which wasn't as horrendous as I thought it was going to be and I feel really proud that I've helped people in some small way.
- I've missed my holidays to France and I'm keeping everything crossed for next year.
- I've learnt to be more creative in the way I work - both for 'work work' and 'fitness work'.
- I'm a hugely positive person - I mean, you never really know for certain do you until the bad times, that's when you have to dig deep into your reserves.
- I always knew that my fitness sessions were more than just fitness to everyone but this year has really brought it home that it's so much more than the exercise that binds us together. It's the fun, the craziness, the laughter, the social side that we all love just as much.
- I'm actually able to spend 24 hrs a day / 7 days a week for months on end with Mr Bob without wanting to kill him - I'd call that a result for our relationship 😂.
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