What self-care really means ...
... and it's not about the aesthetics that's for sure
As the government prepare to announce plans for a tiered lockdown, whatever that means, but I'm sure it'll be really easy and simple to understand(!), I thought I'd do some reflection. It's the perfect time to think about the last 6 months, considering it was World Mental Health Day yesterday.
I've certainly come to realise what 'self-care' is and is not over the past few months. Self-care is not about having a skincare routine using the latest fancy products, it's not about having a full face of make-up and immaculate hair, nails and clothes, it's not about having an extreme diet and crazy exercise routine to make you look good on the outside.
Self-care is about doing things to make you feel happy on the inside so you then radiate on the outside. It's about doing something because you want to and not because you have to.
Although I very rarely go a day without doing some form of exercise, I no longer feel guilty because I haven't done a 6-mile run that day. I approach each session with how I feel and have learnt to listen to my body as I get older. Some days I might simply go for a long walk or do some yoga.
Self-care is also very much about letting go of the things that no longer serve a purpose and yes, that might include people! Surrounding ourselves by the people that make us feel good plays a huge part in self-care.
We can't spend every hour of every day doings things we enjoy, we have to do the not so nice ground work too - I'm thinking of cleaning the bathroom for example! However, it is really important to do something you enjoy every single day.
Self-care tips:
- Simplify - I can't stress the importance of this enough. We already live in a world of overwhelm and hundreds and thousands of choices. Go easy on yourself in every day life and simplify your routines. Take the hard work out of your day.
- Declutter - creating space physically can create space mentally. Why do we feel so much better in our heads when we physically tidy the space around us? It all comes back to that feeling of overwhelm and if we're suffocated by things physically, then we don't seem to have the space mentally to deal with things. I haven't bought many new clothes over the past year, apart from the essentials, as I'd reached a point of where it seemed the more choice I had, the more I got stressed about what to wear. I've donated items that no longer made me feel good when I wore them. In addition, I had items that I never seemed to wear but yet still loved them so I took them to a tailor for alterations. It revolutionised my wardrobe! I couldn't put my finger on why I wasn't wearing them but after trying them on I realised it was because the sleeves were too long or they didn't fit properly around the waist etc. Wow! I feel like I have a brand new wardrobe of clothes.
- Slow down - you don't have to go at 100 mph all the time. Don't ever feel guilty about taking time out for yourself. You'll function a whole lot better when you've had a break.
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