So ... how are we doing?

To the end of the year ... and beyond

You don't need me to tell you that it's been a tough year, we all know that, the whole world knows that.  What I don't want to happen though, and I've mentioned this in a previous blog, is to start wishing time would speed up so the year can end.  We have to continue living in the moment.  I don't want to sound negative, that's not my style, but I do want to be realistic.  Things are not magically going to change on 1st January 2021.  We're going to be in this sh*tstorm for a long time yet and in order to deal with it, we have to acknowledge that and tackle things head on rather than bury our heads in the sand.

What can we do to help ourselves?  Well, for a start, we can't control some of the things that will happen to us BUT we can control how we react to them.  

This week's blog was intended to take a look back over the last quarter to see how we've done with our goals, so let's start there and do just that.  I really hope that you haven't given up on the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year and that you've changed and adapted them accordingly.  

Here's what I've been up to in terms of my 2020 goals:

Fit for It (my business)

Blog - I've been absolutely rubbish in terms of changing the look and layout of my blog which I'd intended to do.  However, I'm pleased that I still have lots to talk about and I've uploaded a blog every week without fail so I'll take that thanks very much.

Fit for It - Things have been going very well in this area I'm pleased to say.  I returned to Saturday morning boot camps in person from 1st August and love being back out and about in some fabulous locations.  I also continued with the mid-week Zoom session which has now developed into 'WOW' - that's 'Weights On Wednesday'!  These are going really well and everyone is making great progress.  I also have some exciting news to share on the fitness front - I've made a video for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and I hope I'll be able to share a copy of this very soon, it's in the final stages of editing!!  Watch this space for the full background story.

Nutrition - Despite the fact I'm continuing to work from home, I haven't (as yet) put on the infamous 'lockdown stone' so I can't be doing that bad.  I'd like to say it's down to my discipline but I'm so busy some days that I simply forget to eat.  Although, since work has encouraged us to take a break between 12 - 1 pm, I am trying my best to change this and eat at a regular time.

Exercise - My personal exercise regime is going very well.  I now start every day with 10 mins yoga and meditation, 10 mins cardio and 10 mins strength.  I have a 15 mins walk at lunchtime and then do whatever takes my fancy in the evening.  Throughout the summer I made the most of the light mornings and evenings and did lots of running but I probably won't do as much on my own now it's getting darker.  However, I'm so pleased that my running club has now resumed sessions so I'll have other people to run with throughout winter.

French - I'm pleased to report that I'm back on track with daily practise instead of leaving it for days and then getting annoyed with myself.  I've been listening to my French podcasts, watching videos and, of course, having my fortnightly French lessons.  I love the look on my tutor's face when I go off on a tangent.  She has a puzzled look on her face that says "I know she's speaking French but it's not French as I know it".  Then when I do say a sentence correctly I can see a look of relief spread over her face as she's thinking "oh thank god, I think I know what she's trying to say"!

Skills - I am loving learning new skills right now.  I've attended numerous online courses, conferences and PA summits.  In fact I attended a PA summit just last Friday which was very informative.  One of the speakers resonated so much that it was like she talking about me, my colleague felt exactly the same too.  We kept messaging each other saying "oh my god, she's speaking our language, this is amazing"!  I've also read lots of self-development books recently and I listen to some kind of self-development podcast every morning whilst getting ready for work.

Right, over to you.  What have you done / had to change over the last quarter?  What are you going to change in order to finish the year in a really strong position?  Here's a few ideas to get you thinking:
  • Switch up your routine / establish a whole new regime / incorporate some new habits.  Doing things differently can change how you feel about things.  I've recently started my 'winter regime' and it's given me a fresh outlook and some new habits to work on.
  • Focus on just one thing that you'd like to improve by the end of the year.  Three months is plenty of time to really nail something, whether personal or professional.
  • Instead of listening to the radio or your usual music playlist, why not listen to a podcast instead.  There's loads of really entertaining and interesting ones that cover every topic imaginable.
  • If you're in a really good place and feeling happy with life right now, then why not offer to help someone who's feeling a little bit wobbly at the moment.  They'd really appreciate it.  Likewise, if you're the one feeling wobbly then don't be scared to ask for help and support.
  • Keep a journal for the next three months.  At the end of every day, jot down a few bullet points on how your day has gone and how you're feeling.  Then at the end of every week, reflect back and pick out something that you would like to change for the following week, eg, do you need to take more breaks throughout the day, are you feeling tired and need to go to bed earlier?  At the end of the year, look back over the whole three months and pick out any trends.  What do you need to stop doing / start doing / sustain over the coming year?
Stay strong, stay safe, stay motivated!



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