Don't be bitter ... be better!
Rise above it and be the
better person you are
As we near the end of yet another month in lockdown, well I suppose it's a kind of semi-lockdown as I write, I've noticed that people have 'taken their foot off the gas' for want of a better phrase.
We're becoming a little bit tetchy, we don't seem to be taking as much care and attention in what we're doing, saying or wearing for that matter! We've lost our focus and have become a little bit sloppy shall we say. It's understandable, the more we're told we can't do this, that or the other, the more we're starting to rebel. We're all continuing to miss events that were important to us such as holidays, birthdays, sport, concerts etc.
But now more than ever, we need to re-focus and stop the bitterness that is starting to creep into our lives. I've noticed recently that there seems to be a trend in 'top trumping' who is finding it the hardest during lockdown, ie, 'it's harder for me because I've got children', 'it's harder for me because I live on my own', 'it's harder for me because I have a disability', 'it's harder for me because I have depression'. Stop it, just stop it. We all have our own individual problems to deal with and just because someone on the surface seems to have got their sh*t together, it doesn't means they don't have their own issues to contend with. We have to rise above all this, be the better person and appreciate that everyone, absolutely everyone, has their own problems and it's not easier or harder for one person than the next.
Alongside not being able to see people physically and chat and have a coffee with them, me and Mr Bob are really missing sport. So in a bid to get a fix and revel in something fantastic again, we're working our way through our disc set of the Olympics 2012!! It's bringing back so many happy memories. I can remember sitting and watching the Opening Ceremony as if it was yesterday. Just a few days later, we were on our way to London to actually see some of the events. I still get goosebumps thinking about the first time I saw the stadium and saying "I'm at an Olympics". On 'Super Saturday' we met up with family later that night and drank champagne to celebrate the gold medals of Jess, Greg and Mo. It was a magical time when we really did come together as a nation.
It's time to bring some of that magic back into our lives. Do not come out of this situation thinking 'I could have used my time better'. Here's a few practical tips to make you feel and look better if you're starting to struggle for ideas.
- Make the effort with your appearance. Just because you're at home doesn't mean it's acceptable to look casual 24/7. If you're still able to work from home then look like you're working from home and not going to the gym! It's really important that you're making the distinction between work and home which is what some people seem to be struggling with. Although the edges have blurred somewhat, it's really important to keep the two separate.
- Banish your gym kit to evenings and weekends.
- Do not wear your PJ's all day - no, just no.
- Do your hair and make-up (have a shave / tidy up your beard or moustache if you're a man)
- Running out of things to wear? Simply add some nice jewellery or a scarf to a plain white or black t-shirt.
- Get your sh*t together and be more organised. It's difficult to find the same motivation and inspiration when you're not physically with your team but that's no excuse for letting your standards drop.
- Take 10 minutes at the end of every day to plan for the following day.
- Get yourself organised before you even log onto your computer first thing. Have breakfast, make a drink, read through your 'to do' list.
- If you know you have a long meeting, be prepared well ahead of time. Find the most comfortable position to sit in, have your notebook close to hand, open any documents that you need to share, ensure you have some water and maybe a few snacks. Hopefully the chair of the meeting will have planned in some breaks but it's always best to have things ready just in case. If you need to get up and stretch, turn off your video for a few mins, you can still listen to everything going on.
- Try and meet with your Line Manager first thing every morning so you know what to focus on that day.
- Ensure you have some downtime. As mentioned above, it's very important to still keep the split between work and home.
- Turn off your computer and phone at the end of the day unless you absolutely need to be available.
- 'Meet' with colleagues purely in the social sense for either a coffee or glass of wine at the end of the day. Try and make the meetings via Zoom rather than on the phone as we connect with people better when we have visual cues.
- Just 10 minutes of exercise at both the start and end of the day will make you feel great. Make sure one of your 10 minute sessions is outside, whatever the weather!
- Book some time off work to completely unwind. It's been a hard slog for everyone these last few months and although we've nowhere to go, it's really important to have some time away from work. It's an opportunity to be as creative as you can possibly be in terms of designing your own 'staycation'.
As the lockdown rules start to relax, we can't afford to be complacent so for the time being ensure you stay local and stay safe. It's also fair to say that the 'rules' themselves are somewhat confusing and ambiguous so only do what you feel comfortable doing and, as far as avoiding public transport goes, I've been doing that for years! Remember when you used to go to the supermarket and there'd be some idiot stood right beside you at the checkout when you're trying to pay? Well, I think in the future I won't have any problem saying 'back off mate, you're in my personal space'. It's something we all need to respect going forwards. The same goes for anyone I see spitting, throwing their rubbish on the floor, not washing their hands etc. I won't be as afraid of speaking up next time I see these vile habits because that's how we got into this mess.
Take care peeps and speak to you next week.
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