Simply Be

Sometimes we need to take the safety reins 
off our minds and simply be

Throughout the week I'm usually making scribbles on post-it notes, doodling in books, writing in journals.  In fact, it's a standing joke in our house that I have notebooks and journals for all occasions.  Mr Bob will wander in and say "oh, which notebook is that for?"  I then gather all my thoughts together and from there I'm able to create my weekly blog.  

This week I had nothing, nada, rien, zero, zilch.  It's been such a busy week, mainly because I've been trying to condense five days into three.  Yes, I know I only work four days but let's be honest ... that usually isn't the case (entirely my fault I hasten to add)!!  Anyway, my brain power was focused elsewhere so this week I've had blank blogitis.

As someone who is boringly organised for the majority of the time, and likes to know what I'm doing and when, this was somewhat new territory.  However instead of panicking, I did what I always do when I need inspiration and that's go for a run.  Running is my mental escape as well as physical escape and because I'm in my own little world of rhythm with left foot, right foot, just keep going, I often find that ideas start flowing through my mind.  I've had some of my best light bulb moments whilst out running.  

I don't always plan my running routes as such but I usually have some kind of  vague idea on where I want to go.  This morning though I decided that as I was in a 'devil may care' frame of mind, I would simply choose left, right or straight on whenever I got a crossroads on my path.  It was liberating, I had no idea of what kind of distance I would end up doing and how long it would take me.  I went across fields, through woods, along trails, down deserted roads, it was fabulous.  

There were no great blog ideas coming to me though, my mind was enjoying the downtime and I was revelling in the scenery.  Hmmm, perhaps that's what my mind was actually trying to tell me to do for my blog, that it's ok to simply enjoy the moment and not be thinking of anything.  Boom!  In a bizarre and roundabout way I'd found what to blog about today .... nothing!!

We've all probably spent the last few weeks worrying about the uncertainty of the situation we're in right now, being concerned about family, friends and ourselves.  So this week, let's give our minds a rest and simply be.

I've mentioned before that running has got me through some tough times and no matter how upset or worried I've been at the start of my run, by the end I've felt calmer and in a better place to tackle things.

Try it for yourself:
Go for a walk or run and try to clear your mind - focus on the sights, sounds and smells around you.  If you're struggling and keep returning to your worries then try distracting your mind by counting things, such as the number of trees you pass or thinking of what the word is for sheep or cows in a different language.  I often count in French if I'm having a hard time clearing my mind.  There's also lots of guided walking meditation podcasts out there for you to try.

Have a great week, don't overthink everything, 
take a deep breath and simply be.



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