Pulling together in difficult times

We are living in a strange 
and worrying time

I did have some material prepared for this week's blog but it seemed insignificant in light of what's been happening over the course of the week.  So I thought I'd talk about how we can all help ourselves, others and pull together during this very difficult time.

Regardless of what our individual opinions on Corona virus are, we are in this together whether we like it or not.  We are now past the point of no return and can no longer ignore it, even if we are a healthy individual.  As a healthy individual it is within our power to alleviate the pressure on the NHS so that they can focus on our high risk and vulnerable loved ones.  

Be the bigger person, even if you only have mild symptoms then please self-isolate and under no circumstances mix with anyone at high risk.  You could well be the person who saves hundreds of lives by staying at home.

Employers also have a part to play in this whole scenario and, as I continue to hear some real horror stories from close friends and family, I consider myself very lucky that my employer is being extremely vigilant.  They are working hard to keep colleagues safe whilst having the minimum impact on our customers.  If your employer is being unreasonable and putting yourself and others at risk, then you might want to think again about whether you want to work for such a company.  Take something positive from this and find yourself a new career with an employer who cares about people!

Our government also needs to do more, below is a sobering message from Mr Bob's friend in Italy who are in a living nightmare right now.

Hi dear friend, if you do not lock down the entire country very very soon the virus will be in few days everywhere... and MANY will die. It is only a matter of short time unfortunately and a matter of priorities: putting life in front of economy or economy in front of life... what UK is doing is extremely risky and what I can tell you is that for sure the citizens are not aware of how bad this is and will be. What is happening in Italy and continental Europe seems far from UK perception, but when you will see many close to you with no chance to survive because of government decisions and no place in the hospitals and not enough doctors and breathing ventilators I am curious to see what the UK citizens will tell to Boris.
Hope I am wrong and all will be good for the UK

Although I'm knowledgeable about health and fitness, I am by no means a medical expert so I'm not going to comment at great length on what you should do if you suspect you have Corona virus, except please self-isolate and seek further advice.  Continue to keep up-to-date on the situation by watching and reading reputable news sources and not the urban myths on social media.

Events like this make us all feel extremely vulnerable as it has a domino effect on everything else.  I feel so sad for the small businesses who won't survive as a result of this.  If you can do so, please support your local small businesses during this very difficult time and if you can't visit them in person then order online if they have that facility.

On a lighter note, I'm sure that my boot camps won't be considered mass gatherings, so if you're healthy then please continue to come along for your own sanity!  

I'm also praying that I don't get sick myself because the thought of self-isolating with Mr Bob makes me very alarmed ;-)

Stay safe and speak to you next week.  In the meantime, here's a lovely pic of where me and some of my fitness peeps have been this morning.  It was a very welcome escape from the madness.



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