Review of Q4, 2019 and a whole decade!!

Another quarter, another year and a whole decade to review!!

Boring and repetitive I know, but seriously, it doesn't feel like it's been a year since I sat down and thought about my goals for 2019.  Yet here we are, not only at the end of another quarter, another year but at the end of a decade, a whole decade of life experiences to review and learn from for the next decade - eek!

So let's start off by reviewing Q4 and hopefully there's plenty of things you've been working on throughout the year and this quarter has been all about dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  As always, I'll kick things off by giving you an update on what my goals for 2019 were and how I've finished the year.

Update on Woody's Goals
  1. Start a blog.  To be honest, I really wasn't sure about how this was going to go and I'm massively proud of the fact that I've managed to blog every week even whilst being on holiday.  I started the blog purely to get thoughts out of my own head and the added bonus that the occasional one man and his dog might read it and use some of my ideas and tips is hugely satisfying.
  2. Run a race every month during 2019.  Wow, I surpassed my own expectations with this goal and smashed it out the water.  Today I ran my last race of 2019 which brings the total number of races to 27.  I've been really pleased with my running this year and have done some fabulous races and had great fun along the way.
  3. Learn how to use all the apps on my phone.  I've just about completed this one and it's made me think about how I use my phone and has helped me declutter the crap from it!  I've streamlined my phone by deleting apps that I rarely used or weren't serving a purpose so that I now only have ones that either help me to organise my life or help me keep in touch with people.
  4. Learn how to play the recorder.  I did learn several songs but to be honest I'm not cut out to be a musical maestro.  I'll have a blast from time to time but this goal was not a massive success I have to say.
  5. Take my French to the next level.  Having been to France for a few days before Xmas I had the opportunity to get in some more real French conversations before the end of the year.  This is definitely a goal I will continue to pursue next year as although my understanding of French has improved, I'm still not happy with my conversational French and need to improve the time I take to translate it in my little pea brain to keep a conversation flowing.  On y va as we Francophones say!!
Don't worry, I'm not going to go through a review of my year and decade you'll be pleased to hear.  Well, I am, but not here as I'd bore you to death.  But to help you do your own review, I'm going to give you some questions and things to think about.  It's really important that you do your review first before setting new goals as you need to understand what has gone well for you, so you can carry on doing these things, and also what hasn't gone so well in order for you to learn from these things and change them going into 2020.

You can do this quite quickly for Q4 but ensure you take your time when answering these questions for the year and decade review.

What are you proud of?
- list all the things you are proud of - these don't have to be huge momentous things, they can be something really simple such as 'I arranged to have lunch with a friend I hadn't seen for weeks'.

What is the ONE thing you are MOST proud of and WHY?
- what's the one thing that has really made a difference to your life (there might not be anything for Q4 but you will certainly have something for the year and decade.  
- you need to think about this in great detail and really understand WHY this thing has made you most proud.  Was it something really challenging that you overcame?  Did you have to change your routine to achieve it?  Really feel the  positive emotions connected to this thing.

What are you dissatisfied with?
- list all the things you have been dissatisfied with - but try not to do this from a negative point of view, it might have been things out of your control so don't judge yourself.

What is the ONE thing you are MOST dissatisfied with and WHY?
- what's the one thing that has really made you feel dissatisfied - as above, don't be judgemental and try and take the negative emotions out of it.
- it is important to do this though as you need to fully understand the reasons for your dissatisfaction and take the learnings from it.

So there you go, a review of Q4, 2019 and the last decade.  You now have a solid base from which to move forwards and set your goals for 2020 which is what we'll be taking a look at next week.  Until then, start jotting down some ideas, let your imagination run wild and DON'T under any circumstances think 'yeah it would be nice but I CAN'T do that'.  You need to head into 2020 with no limiting beliefs.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and I hope there's been at least one thing that you've found useful. 

Speak to you next year!!



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