How to survive the family Christmas

What a wonderful time of year .... right?!!

This is an honest, warts and all blog so look away now if you're easily offended.

Christmas, a time to show how much you care for your loved ones and spend time with the family.  What could possibly go wrong??  Well in my experience, lots!  I used to get incredibly stressed at this time of year when I was younger, trying to please everyone and rushing round visiting everyone.  Jeez, it's not as if you're never going to see these people again so why do you end up trying to squeeze in visits to 36 people in the space of 3 days.  

The fact is that you can't please everyone and it's your time for a break just as much as everyone else's but we don't want to admit that do we, so instead we put our own happiness to one side and focus on everyone else.  Is it any wonder then that by the time Christmas is over we're completely frazzled and burnt out instead of feeling energised and ready to face the New Year.

So how can you get round this little problem without feeling completely selfish for wanting some time to yourself.  Simple, you can be 'subtly selfish', let me explain.  For the last few years, me and Mr Bob have spent Christmas with his sister and family and I love it, it's such good fun.  However, if I had to go more than a few days without running and not have any time to myself then I'd go  completely insane.  So what I always do is get up early and go for a run (down to the beach whoop whoop!) before anyone else has even woken up.  That way I can get in my exercise AND have some time to myself so it's 'winner winner Christmas turkey dinner'.

Anyone who says they absolutely love being with their family 24/7 over Christmas is, quite frankly, talking b***ocks!!  It really doesn't bother you that your nieces and nephews want to watch 'Frozen' for the 57th time and you want to watch 'The Royale Family Christmas Special'?  Fibby liar, pants on fire.

So, what can you do to help ease the stress?
  • Plan ahead
    • Record any programmes that you really don't want to miss so that you can watch them at a later date in peace and quiet.
    • Spread your visits over a longer period of time so that you don't feel like you're rushing round like a headless chicken.
    • Let your family know in advance about anything you are not willing to compromise on, that way there's no surprises and no tears and tantrums at the last minute.  My family are so used to me going for a run it's just a given because that's what I do.
  • Take time out for yourself
    • Go for a long soak in the bath and lock the door.  Play your music at full blast too so you can't hear the chaos going on in your lounge.
    • Meditate - take 5 mins to simply sit quietly and clear your mind.  If you struggle to do this on your own then use an app with guided meditations such as 'Headspace' or 'Insight Timer'.
    • Exercise - even just a 10 mins walk round the block (on your own!) will help to clear your head space and ease any stress.
  • Eat and drink (relatively) healthy
    • You don't have to be a complete party pooper but do ensure that you're still drinking lots of water alongside the glasses of prosecco.
    • Have plenty of healthy alternatives to keep your energy levels up, such as unsalted nuts, fruit and vegetables.
  • Spread your time wisely
    • Spend as much time as you can with those people who genuinely make you feel happy and good about yourself.  Whilst we can't choose our families, we can certainly choose how much time we spend with them.  
REMEMBER - this is 'Daring December' and if you haven't looked after your own wellbeing in the past, then now is the time to start.  Break the mould, put yourself first and then you'll be in a much better place to spread the love and  Christmas cheer onto others.  Don't, under any circumstances, allow anyone to make you feel guilty for not doing something that THEY want you to do.  The happier you feel, the more contagious your happiness will be to other people.  Relax, chill and have FUN!!!



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