Accept the god damn compliment!!
I dare you
I'm setting you a dare this week and on the surface it sounds really simple but apparently it's really not.
Your dare, should you wish to accept it, is to say thank you to the next person who pays you a compliment. Easy right?
Well, I was actually quite saddened last Tuesday evening at my running club. Throughout winter we have a club race every 3 weeks or so and there's 8 races in total so of course you will have good runs and not so good runs during that time. I was amazed by the number of people last week who were so quick to dismiss a compliment from their fellow runners. People were saying 'oh well done tonight' and 'you looked to be having a good run' and all I heard in return was 'no, I was rubbish tonight' or 'I wasn't as good as last time' etc etc.
Now in my eyes that's bordering on damn well rude to the person who's paying you a compliment. Think about for a second, they didn't have to give you compliment, no-one forced them, they weren't obliged, they paid you a compliment because they thought you deserved it and you've just blatantly thrown it back in their face without a moment's thought.
I'm not saying that I don't have a sulk every now and then about my race times because I absolutely do but I would never brush off a compliment from my fellow runners. I would simply smile and say thank you and then go home and sulk in private!!
For me, every run is a gift, whenever you have a good, bad or indifferent one because life experience tells me that there will one day come a time when you'd give anything to have one more run and you can't.
This applies to anything by the way and I've seen and heard it numerous times. People will say 'oh you're so good at cooking, DIY, languages ... etc etc' and it makes me sad when I hear the response 'no, I'm not, I'm rubbish' or 'it's nothing, anyone can do it'. No, they can't, no-one can do exactly the same as you because you're unique.
I apologise for the rant this week but I felt it had to be said and I'm urging you to accept my dare this week. Please don't offend the next person who pays you a compliment, smile and say thank you that's very kind of you.
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