Appreciation August Week 4 - How to appreciate yourself

This week it's all about YOU!

It's the final week of Appreciation August and I really hope it's made you stop, think and take in the people and places around you through new eyes.  I've saved the best until last because this week it's all about how to appreciate yourself! Don't pull that face, you're the final piece in the puzzle and the most important person of all to appreciate.  How on earth are you going to appreciate everything and everybody if you don't appreciate yourself, it ain't gonna work I can tell you that much.  So take a deep breath, prepare to feel a tad uncomfortable and let's dive straight in.

Let's get one thing crystal clear from the start, there's a huge difference between appreciating yourself and being self-obsessed.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating yourself and this is what lots of people struggle with.  I don't want to generalise and sound sexist but on the whole, women in particular, seem to think it's selfish to think about themselves so it becomes far easier to neglect themselves and focus on others for fear of looking self-obsessed.  However, it's impossible to care for and appreciate others if you don't do the same for yourself and that relates to every man, woman and child.

Just be YOU.  Appreciating yourself begins with accepting yourself.  You don't have to pretend to be something you're not, you don't have to follow the latest trends (I've not seen one single episode of Game of Thrones and I think Love Island is one of the most tasteless and tackiest shows ever - there, I've said it!), you don't have to like the same things as everyone else.  It's ok to be YOU.

It's also really important to spend the majority of your time with other people who accept who you are.  If they don't, that can have a negative effect on being able to appreciate yourself.  You don't need anyone else's validation to be YOU.  Do not spend time with these life sucking vampires!!

Write a list of your skills.  Here we go, #awkward time, you know I like to give you challenging homework.  Don't sit there and say "ugh, I'm rubbish at everything".  Between us, we have so many diverse and interesting skills.  I can't cook, I can't sew, I can't sing but I can take shorthand, I can speak French (un peau, j'apprends encore!) and I can drive.  I'm not talking about being able to do complex mathematical equations, keep it real and list the fabulous every day skills you have.

It's not just practical skills you should be thinking about either, write down the characteristic strengths you appreciate about yourself.  For example, I really appreciate the fact that I'm determined, have strong willpower (unless someone gives me wine!) and never give in if I set my mind on doing something (big shout out to mum and dad for passing these genes onto me!).  This photo was taken at the end of a run where it absolutely tipped it down, I'm talking torrential rain.  The thing is, it was running club night, so I was going no matter what the weather.  I really appreciate that I had the strength and determination to see it through.

I get it, I really do, it's a whole lot easier to deflect attention from ourselves and focus on everyone else but each and every one us has unique skills, quirks, and characteristics that we need to appreciate and celebrate.  During a recent TEDx talk I listened to by Mel Robbins (check her out, she's amazing), she quoted that scientists have estimated that the probability of you even being born in the first place is around 1 in 400 trillion.  If that's not a good enough reason to appreciate yourself then quite frankly I don't know what is!

Choose the latter in the quote above and appreciate this fact as you make your way through all that life has to offer and always stay true to being YOU.


Depending on the availability of wi-fi where I'll be for the next couple of weeks, I may or may not be able to upload my blog, but please don't go away as I'll be back with "Simply September".  


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