Tales of the unexpected
Dealing with the unexpected
Without disclosing too much, a few people I know have recently had to deal with 'unexpected situations'. So this week I thought I'd give you a few tips on how to cope with the unexpected, and when I say unexpected I mean when something completely side swipes you. There you are, pootling along quite happily when WHAM, the unexpected comes along and takes your feet from under you. Whilst you're laying there on the floor with little stars floating around your head, here's some things to think about:
Gain some perspective on the situation:
This is a really important part of coping with the unexpected. Seriously, have a think about how much worse things could be and that will force you to think about the positives you can take from the situation. Be truly grateful for the fact that no-one's life is in danger; anything else is surmountable.
What can you take from the situation:
How can you grow and become stronger going forwards? Having to deal with the unexpected forces us to 'think outside the box'. Think about what you can learn from this situation in order to make things better in the future. The unexpected will always happen in life but each time it does we'll be stronger than the last time.
Don't be afraid to open up to your emotions:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeling pain, sadness, anger, disappointment, embarrassment. You can't heal and move forwards without opening up to your emotions first. You can't run away from your emotions, they will follow you around no matter what, so learn to accept them and only then will you be able to move on.
Appreciate the rollercoaster of life:
It's completely normal to experience highs and lows during life, it's how you learn and grow as a person. The path before you is never clear, it's always strewn with obstacles and there's twists and turns along the way. That's what makes life so wonderful.
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