Life's too short

Life's too short to stuff a mushroom ....

Said Shirley Conran, author of "Superwoman", way back in the 1970's.  We seem to think that juggling work and home life is a relatively new concept but as this book reveals, it's most definitely not.

I got thinking about the phrase "life's too short" following a recent, and rather messy it has to be said, night out with the girls.  The next morning as the fog started to lift, I checked my phone and there it was in all its glory, my Facebook post declaring "I'm going to Ibiza for my 50th next year, who's coming?!"  What the *&%!  Ok, what now?  Do I just ignore it, pretend it never happened and hope that no-one mentions it ever again.  Yeah right, as I scrolled down the comments, it seemed that my friends were actually quite keen, some of which had not been there on the night out and were fully compos mentis.

I sat pondering for a while and that little phrase "life's too short" kept popping in and out of my head.  A few other things have happened recently which have put some perspective on life.  Screw it!!  Life really is too short, you have to seize the opportunities that are presented to you.  I'm doing this, I'm damn well going to Ibiza.  Why Ibiza you might ask yourself?  Simple really, I never took the opportunity when I was younger and shhhh, don't tell anyone but I've always had a secret yearning to go to a Fatboy Slim set at Pasha.  Do the yoofs still call it that?  A DJ set?

Live for every day

Apologies, this blog is getting a bit deep today but why do we only tend to say "life's too short" either before or after some momentous occasion; big birthdays and other milestones or things not so nice such as breaking up with someone or losing a loved one.  The fact is that we shouldn't be waiting until these times to utter those words "life's too short", we need to start making every day count and feel special.  I'm not just talking about doing something crazy either like going to Ibiza, it's about taking the time to notice the small things and appreciate every day you are on this earth.

Make every day count:

  1. Don't take anything for granted.
  2. Take the time to notice your surroundings.
  3. Complete every task, no matter how boring, to the best of your ability.
  4. Start saying 'yes' today instead of thinking there's always tomorrow.
  5. Do something every day that makes you laugh.


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