One down and three to go!!
A quarter gone already you say?! I can't believe how quickly the last four weeks have flown by. It seems like only last week when I was reminding you about your goals for the first quarter of the year and here we are ... one quarter of the year gone already - eek!! So ... how's it been for you? Come on folks, you promised to be accountable so I hope you've kept that promise to yourselves and have made progress. Here's a quick update on how I've got on ... Woody's Goals Start a blog. Well, I started and it's been consistent so I'm doing ok on this one so far. It's actually quite cathartic to share my little wonderings with the world. Run a race every month during 2019. Another tick. Meltham 10K in January, Huddersfield 10K in February and Wakefield 10K in March. Next one is Sheffield half marathon in April. Learn how to use all the apps on my phone! Google Keep. Love it - nuff said. Learn how t...