
Showing posts from November, 2020

Time Management ... why there's no such thing

  We can't 'manage' time; but we can manage ourselves You hear so much about 'time management' , there's 1000's of courses dedicated to the subject.  In reality though, we can't 'manage' time, it's going to pass regardless, the same 24 hours every day.  However, we CAN   'manage' ourselves, our tasks and our interruptions each day.   We have a love / hate relationship with time depending on what we are doing at that moment, we complain when it goes too fast, too slow, we blame external factors and other people for 'wasting our time' . In order to truly control how we use our time wisely, we must first of all look at our own personal energy levels. TIME                         vs                         ENERGY                           ...

What to do when you've lost your motivation

  Exploring the reasons for lack of motivation Is it me or does this lockdown seem to be dragging on ... and we're only halfway through!  In which case, it's pretty understandable if you've lost a bit of motivation at the moment.  I'm missing my Saturday morning boot camps right now but I've adapted, I've moved them to Zoom and the fun and laughter is still there.  This is exactly what we need to do when motivation is lacking, we need to turn things around and do them differently. There are several reasons why you might have lost your motivation and this latest lockdown could have been the final straw for you.  Let's work our way through a few different options and find out what's going on. Are you fed up of seeing the same things on your list? Seeing the same things on your 'to do' list all the time can be very de-motivating but instead of doing nothing at all, approach them from a different angle.  Accept that you're probably never going t...

Don't be a worrier, be a warrior!

  Create some 'constants' in your life  to help get through the bumpy bits As you know, I tend to write blogs from the heart and in terms of situations, experiences or people that I have come across that week.  I'm not a 'professional blogger' so I don't have next month's list of blogs all sorted and ready to go.  I write it off the cuff each week from notes I've made in numerous note books, on post-its and on my phone, but this week I was very tempted to write something vague and general and not make it as personal because quite honestly, I didn't want to mention this week's events.  However because of the person I am , I didn't think it would be very genuine of me to do that.  This week has been very challenging as I've not only had to contend with a busy work week but I've also been extremely worried about Mr Bob.  He's been in severe pain, unable to walk more than a few steps and at one point I feared it might be meningitis. ...

Now is the time to add to your skill set

What else can you do? Lockdown part deux has really made me think about things and what I should be doing going forwards. It feels different this time round, more challenging and more unsettling.   Over the past few months I’ve seen numerous friends and colleagues lose their jobs.   Jobs are never 100% safe, I know that (well, unless you work for Amazon right now!), but these are increasingly and unsettling times. As a PA, I’m feeling particularly vulnerable. I’m a ‘luxury item’. The admin and support sector has been absolutely smashed to pieces over the last few years and it’s only going to diminish further so I need to protect myself as much as possible. What I’m trying to say is now is not the time to be complacent about your job. What else should you be doing to make it as difficult as possible for you to be put at risk.   The overall decision may be out of your control but there are things you can do to minimise the damage.   Being prepared in advance can m...

Improve what you do every day by having a 'word of intent'

  The one word 'intent' challenge  - are you up for it? Have you noticed that when you're intentional about something, you seem to achieve whatever task you've set yourself so much easier.  There's a swagger about you and a purpose to your goal. A couple of weeks ago, I let myself get too complacent and I drifted from task to task with no real purpose.  I was doing what needed to be done and to be honest I was doing ok but then it caught up with me on the Thursday and it all went t*ts up for want of a better phrase.  It threw me off kilter and instead of finishing my working week on a high and with a clean slate for the following week, I felt discombobulated and out of sorts. So this week I decided to try a new approach.  Every morning I've chosen 'a word of intent' with the sole purpose of ending that day feeling like I've achieved that word.  For example, Monday - Satisfied Tuesday - Energised Wednesday - Determined Thursday - Focused Friday ...