Entering yet another new stage of weirdness

How's your mental health holding up in yet another stage of weirdness? Everyone keeps saying "things are slowly returning to normal" but they're not though are they? Things just keep getting more weird and I feel that we're becoming divided into two camps now. Whereas in one camp we have those people who are thinking "f*** it, I'm not going to be told what to do anymore, I don't give a flying hoot about anyone else, I'll do what I damn well please" and then in the other camp we have the more cautious approach and trying to do the right thing in protecting others and themselves. In a strange kind of way, it was actually easy to cope with things when we were in full lockdown, because everyone was on a level playing field, in exactly the same position. I really wanted to do some 'normal' shopping the other day, to actually see and touch things, instead of viewing a picture online and then being disappointed when yet another cardboard...