Find the treasures on your doorstep
Make the most of your local area and starting planning your next 6 months When BoJo announced that there were no limitations on how far you could travel to exercise, I thought what an idiot (with a few additional expletives). Firstly, there's the environmental factor to consider. We're supposed to be trying to save this planet, not encouraging people to get into their cars and use petrol like it's going out of fashion (actually, it kind of is at the moment!). As always, he didn't account for the morons amongst us who saw this as an open invitation to drive as far as they could and head to the coast or for the hills with no respect for anything or anyone and leave their rubbish everywhere. Secondly, there's the ethical factor to consider. BoJo was openly encouraging people to travel from their local areas, some even visited other counties, which put enormous pressure on these communities. These people have no respect for anyone else. Have you seen the ...