Be creative and do something good for your soul
Be creative, have fun, do something good for your soul Although this is the strangest of times, you have to find ways to be happy right here, right now, instead of constantly wishing it was over and that means becoming rather creative. This weekend I should be in Ibiza with the girls as a pre-birthday treat, which had been in the planning for almost a year, instead we're in lockdown. We'd rather be there of course, but we were determined not to feel sorry for ourselves so we decided to bring Ibiza to us through the marvel that is Zoom. I have some very creative friends and family and was very impressed with their re-creation of night club scenarios in their own homes complete with neon lights, glow sticks and a bucket of foam!! Despite being hundreds of miles apart in some cases we still managed to become rather raucous and had great fun. In fact, it made us all the more excited for when we can finally get there in person and was proof that we'...