Wake up and smell the appreciation roses

Appreciation August

I've touched on this subject before in my blogs but throughout the whole of August the focus will be very much on appreciation for all things and at all levels, so let's dive in.

It's very easy to get so caught up with life that we stop appreciating the little things (and big things in some cases), so this month it's all about pressing pause and thinking about what we have, rather than what we haven't.  I'll kick you off with this little thought - you're reading this blog via a phone, iPad, laptop, computer .... yet it's estimated that more than 780 million people live below the international poverty line and are struggling with the most basic of human needs such as health, education and access to water and sanitation.  Hmmm!  

I'm not trying to pull the guilt trip on you, I'm just saying that it's all too easy to get hung up with the most ridiculous of things and utter the words "life's not fair".  I know I'm guilty of it.

So how do we become more present in the moment and stop to appreciate life.  Well, I'm setting you some homework this week and I'd like you to have a go at some of the tips below.

  • Take time out to feel truly grateful for what we usually take for granted - family, friends, a home, a car, a job, clothes, food on the table etc etc.
  • Appreciate those people you spend the most time with because they're the people you probably take for granted the most without even realising it.  Say 'thank you' to them for supporting you, cooking your tea, making you laugh, always being there for you, etc etc.
  • Appreciate the fact that other people don't set out with the soul intention of ruining your day.  Caught up in traffic because someone has broken down in the middle of the road?  I'm sure they didn't wake up that morning thinking "I hope my wheel drops off and I ruin everyone's day".  Ok, so you might be late for work but it's not the end of the world.
  • Appreciate your life by knowing that you are doing your best.  You can do ANYTHING, but you can't do EVERYTHING.



  1. Fabulous wisdom Ms Zen Woody!
    Having returned from 2 weeks of basic camping, mostly without hot water or proper loos, I am definately counting my lucky stars now back home! I'd taken all my mod cons for granted so am really appreciating all the luxuries I have.
    I like your comment about the car breakdown holding the traffic up too. If someone is driving really slowly in front and I can't overtake I sometimes remind myself that they might be carrying a passenger just out of hospital (or with piles!), or a big tray of eggs or a super special wedding cake, which makes me chill out...


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