How to push through our own invisible barriers
One topic I love to return from time to time, is how to keep pushing through our own invisible barriers. It’s something I find difficult and I have to keep working at it constantly. We all have them, we can’t see them, yet we feel comfortable inside them. I usually have no problem motivating myself and I absolutely love learning new things. I push myself, I work harder and then whoa …. the brakes go on, my heels dig in the ground as I screech to a halt in front of my own invisible barriers. No, no, no I tell myself, what if I try this new thing and I look stupid or I make a mistake. BUT, this is the strange thing about making mistakes, the more you make, the more comfortable and confident you start to feel and hey, you get better at what you’re doing. Go figure! Now that I can meet people face-to-face again for my Saturday morning boot camps (woo hoo!), it obviously means that I can no longer do a Zoom session. As much as I’d like ...