
Showing posts from January, 2021

Lockdown, laziness and lippy

Let’s be honest, since working from home, have your clothes become comfier, baggier, contain a lot more Lycra?   Has your image gone from glam to grim?   Do you now consider walking from the lounge to the kitchen and up the stairs a full-on workout?  Have you become a bit more angry with life? Lockdown: To be honest, I feel I’ve got off quite lightly and that’s down to a number of reasons but mainly keeping myself busy. As we all know, lockdown has affected people in many different ways. What have I changed? We’ve all been negatively affected in some way by lockdown but, unlike most of society these days, I prefer to keep a little mystery in my life.    The longer this drags on, the more creative I’ve become with my time. I’ve come up with new routines for home and exercise. I’ve kept busy plotting evil sessions for my fitness clients.   I talk to the people I need to when I’m having a bad day but no-one else needs to know the minutiae. What can you change?...

Why you don't need to know everything

As we continue to live in this parallel universe to ‘normality’, I thought that I’d throw in a few ‘bitesize blogs’ along the way.   Blogs that might help with everyday struggles related to work life, home life, health, exercise, nutrition, whatever topics that might pop into my head. This week it’s a topic that has followed me throughout my life in certain work situations and I’m determined to conquer it this year. Following a recent conversation, I had to admit to having an irrational fear of not knowing enough, of looking stupid is what it really boils down to I suppose.   That in itself was painful enough but then having to discuss it in more detail made it sound even more irrational. I’m not entirely sure where this fear came from in the first place. I don’t remember anyone saying to me “how come you don’t know that you stupid little twerp” Unless I’ve blocked it from my mind of course! I’m sure we all have moments of feeling like this, perhaps even more so now that man...

Feeling flat and needing an adrenaline rush

Are you in need of some excitement in your life? This is going to sound bonkers I know, but hear me out. It’s only in the last couple of weeks that lockdown has hit me. Yep, I told you it was bonkers. Despite feeling optimistic about this year, I’ve felt quite flat recently. Why, I pondered?   We’ve been in this situation for almost a year so what has suddenly changed.   Then I realised what it was. I’m missing an adrenaline rush of doing something different. Until now I’ve been pre-occupied with other things.   In March we’d just bought a house so had lots of things to plan. When we could eventually move we then had lots of DIY and garden projects. The mornings and evenings were light so I was out walking and running at every opportunity. I was busy getting to grips with moving my fitness sessions to Zoom and trying to see people in person in-between lockdowns. When it got to around October time, my thoughts then turned to Christmas.   Throughout everything I’ve als...

All the gear, no idea!

All the gear, no idea! I have to admit that when lockdown part trois was announced I felt a bit like a deflated balloon and I’m usually a pumped up kind of gal.   Last week’s boot camp was such a beautiful morning against a backdrop of fabulous surroundings and I was looking forward to many more over the coming weeks. During the Christmas holidays I’d planned out all of January’s boot camps. Sadly, like everything else right now, they’re on hold for the foreseeable future.   However, the good news for me and my fitness family is that we can carry on regardless thanks to Zoom sessions.  It’s not quite the same but at least we can still feel like a group and support each other and yesterday's online session was no exception.  They're still smiling and it was the end of the session!   Sorry, I’ve digressed somewhat from what I was going to talk about so I’ll get back on track. The thought process behind this week’s blog started with me reading something that riled ...

New Year, New You - Don't believe the hype!

After the year we’ve just had, the last thing I’m going to do is the hard sell on new year, new you.   Over the next few weeks you’ll be blasted from all sides on how to lose weight, how to find a new job, how to stop smoking, how to survive dry January, how to change your life, how to get fit and a whole host of other things to supposedly find the new you.   You know by now that I don’t believe in setting new year resolutions in that kind of way, so I’m not going to add to your pain.   However, having said that, I do believe it’s always good to have something to focus on and despite everything I do feel like the start of a new year is a good time for a ‘refresh’ .   But hey, let’s take things super slow shall we and not overload ourselves more than necessary this year.   Personally, I’m looking no further ahead than the first month of the year and I’ll be easing myself in gently and with kindness, and focusing very much on those things in my control and that ma...